Praying in the Spirit

This past week we have observed many natural disasters like hurricanes, fires, an earthquake, threats of a tsunami and more hurricanes. 

Our family also has two kids away at college making their own choices and one was in the path of hurricane Irma. Thankfully it slowed down before it got to her location.

At times like this we pray more. And this got me thinking about how there is a difference of praying 'at God' and praying 'to God'. There is also a difference of praying 'in the flesh' and 'in the Spirit'.

Sometimes when we pray, we are so caught up in the circumstances that our faith and trust in God is shaken. We feel that we just need to get God on our team and to do what we see as best. We think from our own perspective and reason with God for our will to be done.

I've found myself doing this recently and can tell that these prayers leave me feeling unsatisfied in my spirit. 

Other times I have sought to find a QUIET place and seek God in the stillness. I have surrendered to HIS will and sovereignty. I lean towards trusting with faith that HE is working all things together for our good. I come with a heart of praise, humbleness and can pray with hope and without knowing the answer. This is when God can give me peace and I let go of my will. This is when I can hear new thoughts, eternal and Christ-centered ways in my heart. I am more satisfied because I know my Savior has a plan and it is rooted in His love for us. Then I am no longer praying with my expectations and I can be more content with my life in Christ.

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is able to take our prayers, shake off our humanness and tell God the heart of the matter which we may not even understand ourselves. He is also able to guide us to the PEACE we can have when we decide to BE STILL and surrender to HIM. Thankfully He is faithful.

"No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us." Romans 8:37

"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." Romans 8: 26

Graduation and Parenting

For those of you that are experiencing a child graduating this year, please know that it’s going to be ok.

Everyone is different in how they work through this transition of being a parent with kids in our home to being a parent of adult children. I was one of those parents that had a tough time with our first child leaving for college last year. This year, I have a new hope for our baby girl graduating because I have been through it once.

Even though we will miss them, over time we find a rhythm. Over time I realized I hadn’t lost our son but that he still needed me in his life for many things. Over time I have come to enjoy watching him grow and develop into God’s masterpiece.

God loves our children more than we know how and can be trusted as their Heavenly Father. If God could help us with our life and guide us towards His path, He is able to do the same for them.

There is one thing I will continue to do in my role as a mother and that is to be my children’s prayer warrior. I pray for the right people to be put in their lives that want a relationship with Jesus. I pray for safety and friends that make good choices. I pray for their future spouse and that faith will be passed on from generation to generation in our family.

Our kids know how much we love them and when things get confusing or they need a listening ear, they know they can reach out to us. If your relationship has been good before they leave for college, have confidence that they will still want you in their life.

There are some great resources out there with organizations like “Focus on the Family” that can help with suggestions on how to parent in this new phase. For some of us, there is no book or person that is going to make the pain go away except God and time.

Some things I have found helpful with modern technology are “Facetime” and “Find Friends”. Facetime really helps when you can’t see each other for 4 months straight. Find Friends is a free two-way tool that helps you locate each other when you can’t reach each other by phone. It has helped give me a sense of relief and peace of mind to be able to see a general location of where my child is as I wait until they are available to talk later.

Another practical thing to do is discuss expectations with your child. Here are some topics we discussed:

How often they want to talk on the phone each week and would it be better if they called you.
Financial responsibilities.
Expectations during school breaks – transportation, chores, rules changes.
To keep in touch with siblings too.

Our role as a parent shifts and our kids need to know that they are not forgotten. They need to know that we love them and have confidence in them. They need to feel we are there to support them through the good times and the bad. Also, that we want to celebrate every milestone with them as we show them how proud we are of them. If they don’t call often, this is a normal part of spreading their wings and it is part of the process of having their own life.

I know I want the best for our kids, God’s best. So, I need to trust God and His plans for their lives.

Hebrews 11:1~ “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”


Have you ever had something that continually goes wrong for years? It affects you but its out of your control to fix it?

If so, You and I are in this together and we need to Pray Pray Pray. I want to pray this prayer for you and I. Here us my prayer based on Psalm 86:13-17.

Lord, your love for me is very great. You have rescued me from the depths of despair by dying on the cross in my place and giving me eternal life. Therefore I have hope for a better tomorrow.

O God, people rise up against me and you mean nothing to them. Have mercy on me and give me strength. Forgive me for the frustration, bitterness and anger that are building up inside me. Help me keep things in perspective. Please save me and bring justice to this chaos. 

Please send me a sign of favor and help me to follow your example and not react in a sinful way. I want to please you. Let those that do not respect or care about others be put to shame. 

Lord, please be my helper and fight for me. Please fix this problem and comfort me. Give me peace over my circumstances and allow me to see your hand at work.


Here is an exercise that I have made myself do to help me redirect my focus and to get my mind off of the problem and back on eternal things.

Colossians 3:2 "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."

Philippians 4:6-8 "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. (Write down prayers. Journal or make notes about our frustrations and worries.) Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. (List needs and praises) Then you will experience God's peace, (Notice we need to do something to experience God's peace and that is to not continuing to focus on the problem. Turning our thoughts in a new directions and taking them captive - 2 Corinthians 10:5) which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix you thoughts on what is True, and Honorable, and Right, and Pure, and Lovely, and Admirable. Think about things that are Excellent and Worthy of Praise - think about such things." ( I had to literally make a list of everything under these headings to be aware and mindful of the things that God would want me to think about instead of circumstances.)

I don't know about you but I have a hard time turning my thoughts in a different direction when something is weighing on me. But God tells us to "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

I have found that God doesn't always answer us right away and fix the problem. Sometimes I think it is to allow us to grow and teach us to endure through trials. Sometimes it is to test and refine us in our attitude of following Jesus. I think that He is also possibly doing a work with the other person and it may take a while to happen.

I know that God is not to blame for the waiting and the chaos. That is why it is important to focus on His promises and His love for us in these times, not giving all our time and thoughts over to the trouble maker. :)

We can have hope that this life has a purpose and God has a plan. (Jeremiah 29:11)

"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. " John 14:3

Refocus - Repent - Revive your heart with Jesus and be encouraged my friend!


Trusting God with our Young Adult Children

With our two children going off to college within two years it's easy to get in my head and worry.

But God has been so gracious to find Noah a Christian roommate. To provide a hand full of upper-class men that have helped him get involved and include him in activities. Helped him become part of a worship team and found him a job on campus so quickly. Why do I think He will let us down with our second child in the plans he has for her?

I am learning a new way of being a mom. It involves letting go and letting God become their life teacher just as He has been to me. It involves praying and just being there to listen and celebrate from a distance.

It's a time to let them take the wheel and always be there to love them thru the good and bad choices.
I am learning a new level of trusting God and handing over the little ones I have poured my life into, to the One who is always faithful. He loves my kids more than I know how to and can be trusted to be there for them when I can not. It's a blind faith that is good for me.

It's not easy but I know I am thankful that God is working things out for the good of all four of us. 

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