Satan's Tactic

Last week, the kids and I were reading in Ezekiel 28 about the city of Tyre. It was a beautiful city and did much trading. But Ezekiel prophesied against this city because of it's pride. In the commentary, it mentioned Satan becomes whom the proud are really following. That was a wake up call for me. Think about it, Satan didn't want to follow God but do things his own way. He didn't want to submit or be a follower of Christ. Christ gave up His rights and came to serve and save the lost.

This got me thinking about the times we can be wrong as parents. There are days when we can loose patience. We don't want to admit we were wrong to our kids because we don't want to loose the respect of our kids or disappoint them. Then I thought about how sometimes kids can make up excuses for what they do wrong so they don't disappoint us parents. The kids and I both realized we had been deceived by Satan and weren't in true submission to Christ, if we can't humble ourselves by living in pride. It was an eye opener and helped us both understand each other a little better. Pride has no place in a believers life. It also made us realize that we should just say; "Sorry, I was wrong". Its quick, easy and keeps the truth being lived out with no cover-up.

Also, as followers of Christ we are to forgive, just as He forgives us. We both agreed that we actually think higher of each other and we keep a respect for each other more when we admit where we are wrong. Interesting tactic Satan was trying to use on us with pride. He would love to rob, steal and destroy many of our relationship in our life. But the truth set us free. :-)

Mat 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If any of you wants to be My follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow Me.

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