A Word of Encouragement for Fear & Loneliness

This is a letter I wrote a friend as a response to her difficult times. I have left out names on purpose. These are things I needed to remind myself of too. I am always encouraged when I encourage others. :) I think God can work on 2 people at once when we help others. :)

Here is the letter:

The biggest thing that pops out at me from your letter in my spirit is "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10. Many of our problems in life deal with this issue. God asks us to trust and obey, and we do it out of our love for all He has done for us. Many of the issues you brought up, I struggle with too.

"Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." Psalm 62:8

Regarding fear, regret, loneliness, and discontentment: These are all arrows shot at us by Satan. They are hard to dodge and I have been hit by them frequently, which hinders the Holy Spirit's ability to work thru me. That is why it is so important to be in the Word and pray, as I know you are. Humbling myself in prayer, being slow to speak and listening to others is important. People would rather see us care than hear what we know.

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" Romans 8:1 Have victory over Satan in your knowledge that "greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world." Satan loves to make our hearts feel regret, shame, discontentment, jealousy (this is one of mine), and low self esteem.

"See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don't recognize that we are God's children because they don't know him." 1 John 3:1

I would say that when you feel loneliness, walk towards God spiritually. He will fill you up like no one or nothing else will, including a spouse. God made things that way on purpose so that we could have a close relationship with Him. That's how much He loves us!!

The more I learn about the things of God, the more I realize my faults and recognize my need for God. It humbles me and makes me want to be a more gentle person. I pray that God will forgive my sins and then I must forgive myself or Jesus died for nothing.

I think it is our job to love people and live for God. If people see how we are able to bounce back and how we are thankful for God's faithfulness in our lives, they might want to know more. Some Christians don't feel led to share scripture publicly. Others of us do feel led to and God works through this.

Regarding friendship: I can tell you that I had one friend for 20 years and we hardly ever speak to each other anymore. God has moved us to new places. I have another friend that I have known for 17 years. Throughout the years we have had a couple of ups and downs, but our love for the Lord and each other has made it through. I am thankful for this friend but I have only got to see her about 5 times over the last 8 years since we moved to SC. I have other friends and acquaintances that I see or hear from occasionally, but God has me in the role of being a mom and wife for now and it is good.

When we first moved here I tried really hard to make new friends and it was exhausting. I think God wants Richard to be my best friend now and I am thankful I have him. We are two imperfect souls that love Jesus and it has taken many years to shed a lot of selfishness on both of our parts.

I will be praying that you would "be still" in the presence of God. That you would know that HE is enough. He will be faithful to give you fellowship as life goes on. Do you see that he has given us each other over the last couple of years? 

I also pray you can get help moving and that your marriage can have a time of refreshment. Let's pray for these two things in one accord. I believe they are both God honoring requests and he is faithful to do His will. 

I'd love to do a phone chat with coffee since we are miles apart!! :) 

Love to you & your family!!  Tawnya

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