Empty Nest - Trusting God

I am going thru Empty Nest Syndrome early and it is not fun. We have 2 teenagers 11 months apart and I am currently researching colleges for them. Our son starts applying for college next year at this time.

I feel my emotions can be all over the place at times, and I am looking for ways to have life outside of being the primary care giver for so many years. I am hopeful that I can find something with purpose that I enjoy. Its not easy finding something I can do that works around the kids and still be a dependable employee. Seasonal work has been pretty good but I have starting looking into substitute teaching. I'm not sure if that will be the right fit for us or not yet.

There are a few things I still want to teach the kids to equip them for life-  like how to drive, manage money and work a summer job. This summer we will work on interviewing skills for college with Grandma, who is an interview coach.

Thinking about the kids being 2-6 hours away from home and the thought of not being part of the daily activities is a hard pill to swallow. Right now I am trying to figure out a way to make family time in between so many extra curricular activities. The colleges want to see these continue on a transcript and our son enjoys doing them.

I feel tired and overwhelmed with the cares of the world, and normal activities seem like a lot to handle. Our married life is in need of attention with so much going on. But I will trust in the Lord. His Word gives me hope and assurance that his plans are good.

I have just started reading a Christian book called "Give Them Wings" by  Carol Kuykendall that came highly recommended to help with understand the thoughts of my teens and my role as a mom in this phase of our life.


Here are notes from what I read today in Lamentations 3:22-33:

God has great love for us.
His compassion's never fail.
He is faithful.
The Lord is my portion and I will wait for Him.
He is good to those who Hope in Him.
Seek Him & Wait quietly.
No one is cast off by the Lord forever.
Though he brings grief, he will show compassion.
God has unfailing love.
He does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone.


Whatever affliction we may be feeling, God loves us and is our portion. He is faithful and good to those who hope in Him. He will show compassion on us and love us forever. He holds the cares of the world in His hands. I have come to realize that if I can trust God at all times, seeking Him and waiting patiently, that He can work all things out for good. 

I thank God for His Word that fights against the enemy's mind games - he can so easily entangle us into a downward spiral. God's Word lifts our head and sets our feet on solid ground again. That is why scripture tells us that the Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light for our path. (Psalm 119:105)

Psalm 62:8 "Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge."

Lamentations 3:25 "The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him.."

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